Living Better
Beginning at the fork in the road.
I wish I could have a do-over at life. I would have gotten my college degree in something I was passionate about and not let fear guide me to a “safe” option. I would have pursued help for my mental health earlier so that I didn’t suffer as long and have it take its toll on my friendships, marriage, and motherhood. I would have pushed harder and sooner to get the best help for my son’s many life-long struggles.
I hear people all the time say, “I have no regrets. My experiences made me who I am today.” I get that, but I also don’t. Life could have been better. Relationships could have remained intact. I’m not saying the struggles shouldn’t have existed, but rather the period of time experiencing them could have been greatly reduced.
Take, for example, getting mental health help. I didn’t seek help until I was grown, married, and a new mother. I struggled in silence when I grew up due to the stigma surrounding depression and other types of mental illness. So, as a grown woman, when I reached a point of breakdown, I finally sought help. Unfortunately, I sought help from a general practitioner who gave me meds…